Underworld Retrograde

Chapter 39 Desire

Even in his sleep, Li Yelai felt very tired, but also very happy.

He had roughly calculated that, not counting the double-sword knights, he had killed at least two hundred prairie cavalry with his own hands, and the last King Zhelan was an added bonus.

It can be regarded as revenge for the comrades and heroes who sacrificed their lives.

As he entered a deep sleep, his body, which had been strengthened by the killing heart for two hours, began to exude majestic vitality.

So much so that the civilian staff who sutured his wounds were surprised to find that the needle could no longer penetrate Li Yelai's skin.

I had to give up, disinfect it, and wrap it up with a bandage.

After all, with such physical quality and strength, it would probably take just a few days for such a wound to heal as before.

So, when Li Yelai opened his eyes.

Then he found that he was wrapped in many bandages and was lying in a large holding room with a group of wounded people. There are many civilian staff serving as medical staff, walking back and forth.

Not far away, there were civil servants burning incense and praying.

Although the ventilation system is operating, the air is still filled with the smell of disinfectant and incense.

The strange scene made Li Yelai a little confused.

"Hey, are you awake?" Cheese's voice came from the side, and Li Yelai looked sideways.

Seeing her leaning against the wall next to Li Yelai, a smile appeared on her pale face, just like the first time the two met: "You are already a girl!"

"The same moves are ineffective against me."

Li Yelai grinned and asked, "Are you okay? Where are you injured?"

"It's okay. I've eaten too much saccharin and I'm feeling nauseous. Besides, I've exhausted my spiritual energy, so I came here to rest." Cheese showed a disgusted expression: "I don't want to eat any more sugar in my life!"

Li Yelai sat up and stretched his muscles.

As he twisted his body, crunching sounds came from everywhere, making Li Yelai feel refreshed.

Li Yelai instinctively felt that his strength and reaction speed had been greatly improved.

The abdomen has clear abdominal muscles, and the muscle lines all over the body are more obvious.

"It seems that the strengthening of the killing heart has worked." Li Yelai clenched his fist, waved it casually, and made a sound that broke through the air: "I feel like I can kill a cow with one punch."

"You have been strengthened by the murderous heart for two hours, which is far longer than the safe time. Moreover, you are still in the midst of killing, which is even more dangerous!" Cheese said with some fear.

Normally, colleagues carry the Heart of Killing to strengthen their bodies and are basically fixed on the restraint table. When the time is up, just remove the murderous heart.

It is really dangerous for someone like Li Yelai who has the heart to kill and dares to join in the killing.

Once you are overwhelmed by the desire to kill, you are really doomed.

"Fortunately, you survived. Theoretically speaking, after two hours of strengthening, your physical strength is no less than the third awakening of the true martial arts path. As for killing a cow with one punch, it is nothing." Cheese said: "But, while it was a blessing in disguise, you wore the Killing Heart for too long at a time. It left some scars on your chest."

When Li Yelai heard this, he lowered his head and looked at his upper body wrapped in gauze. There were indeed three red scars spreading from his chest.

"As long as you gain something, a little scar is nothing." Li Yelai responded, imitating Cheese and sitting in the corner. And asked: "How long have I slept?"

At the same time, Li Yelai looked around. Judging from the current situation, all forbidden objects should not have been suppressed yet.

Otherwise, the wounded would not be placed in the containment room where forbidden objects are suppressed.

However, the forbidden objects in this containment room are indeed the least dangerous.

Class D taboo, door god sticker.

The effect is to stick two door gods on both sides of the door or opening, and offer incense to them.

The door sticker will activate and a psychic barrier will pop up to protect the space behind the door.

The performance of losing control is to open all the doors in the nearby range.

No matter what method is used to block the door, it will be opened directly.

This is considered the most friendly taboo item for humans.

As long as you worship it, you will be protected.

This is also the main reason for choosing to place the wounded here.

"You have been sleeping for almost five hours." Cheese responded: "After you fell into coma, three taboos appeared there due to various coincidences. They were attacked by Bai Yang and others. They were all successfully suppressed. Counting Zhelan Wang Qi and the Heart of Killing, a total of seven forbidden objects were suppressed because of you, so Ye Bu Shu plans to apply for some merit points for you as a reward."

"There's nothing to commend. So many colleagues have sacrificed their lives, so why should we commend them?" Li Yelai asked in a low voice, "What's the situation now?"

"All the forbidden objects in the upper half of the area have been suppressed, but the battle in the lower area is still fierce." Cheese responded: "Baiyang and the others went to support the lower area, while we continue to guard the upper area. Waiting for support."

"I wish them victory!" Li Yelai nodded, and then found a scarlet sword, a bell, and a jet ax nearby.

Among them, except for the summoning bell, the long knife and ax were in dilapidated condition.

The high-intensity continuous fighting has left the scarlet sword full of gaps.

The jet ax was also damaged during the battle.

"You have to spend some merit points to repair the psychic weapons, or directly replace the psychic weapons." Cheese picked up Li Yelai's scarlet long knife, looked at it, shook his head and said: "The blade has been completely curled up and can't be used."

Afterwards, he picked up the jet ax and inspected it for a while and said: "I suggest that the equipment department directly customize a melt ax or a melt sword for you. Although it has no psychic ability, its power is very outstanding."

"I can guess what you want to save points for. The captain can help you apply for a trial of an anti-psionic helmet. If it works, I can buy it for you directly, and you can slowly save merit points to pay it back in the future. If it doesn't work, Don't waste your money." Cheese persuaded, "You should focus on strengthening your strength now."

Li Yelai really wanted to save merit points and buy an anti-psychic helmet to see if he could suppress Li Yunyan's curse.

If it works, everyone will be happy, but if not, Li Yelai will probably waste the ninety merit points.

Now that Cheese's proposal was very good, Li Yelai could only nod: "Thank you very much."

Afterwards, Li Yelai, Cheese and several other injured people who had been repaired left the containment room.

We came to the intersection leading to the lower area.

Together with the other handlers and iron guards stationed here, they are waiting for any necessary response.

While waiting, Li Yelai calculated his current strength.

The psychic weapons are half useless, the jet ax is malfunctioning, and only the summoning bell can continue to summon the knight with two swords.

The equipment losses were very heavy.

But in terms of ability, Li Yelai has been greatly improved.

The first is physical strength.

Li Yelai is the path of Wanxiang. From the perspective of the order of strengthening, Wanxiang's body can only be regarded as balanced or average among the psykers who have awakened at the same time.

But this time, Li Yelai got a blessing in disguise through his murderous heart.

The strength of his physical body suddenly increased. According to Cheese, his physical body had reached the strength of the third awakening of Zhenwu.

This means that with physical strength alone, he of the second awakening can already challenge the Zhenwu of the third awakening.

It can be regarded as having the capital to fight at a higher level.

Of course, many handlers have strengthened their bodies with the desire to kill, but Li Yelai strengthened them quite a lot.

Then came the second facial makeup.

Just like Xiang Yu's facial makeup, Huo Qubing's facial makeup also brought many skills to Li Yelai.

As for riding skills, Huo Qubing is a master of equestrian skills.

But times have changed, and this technique may not be easy to use. You can't spend money on buying a horse, right? Are you going to ride a horse while you are on a mission?

Then came the skills of riding and shooting.

Huo Qubing was also very good at riding and shooting. But still, times have changed.

In fact, Xiang Yu's facial makeup also brought bow and arrow skills to Li Yelai. There are even perverted techniques like chaining arrows.

However, due to the psychic barrier of psykers, long-range weapons such as bows, arrows and firearms are not easy to use.

Psykers can indeed infuse their bows with psychic energy and shoot at their enemies.

But the spiritual energy on the bow and arrow will dissipate in mid-air.

Unless they are psykers on the divine path, psykers on other paths will lose their psychic power after a period of time after their weapons leave the body. Unable to break through the enemy's psychic barrier.

Therefore, long-range weapon attacks are often exclusive to the divine path.

But even in the divine path, few people use consumables such as arrows.

Is it because of the cost issue? In order to inject psychic energy more effectively, bows and arrows must be equipped with psychic energy, right?

The bow is okay, at least it won't break soon.

But what about bows and arrows?

Every arrow is psychically armed?

This alone is enough to make all psykers retreat.

Therefore, most psykers on the divine path use recyclable weapons such as flying swords, or simply control puppets to fight.

Li Yelai's Overlord Throwing Halberd is because the weapon is large enough and can inject enough spiritual energy into it.

And the distance is not too far, so you can throw it out to defeat the enemy with one move. You can't use a gun as an arrow, right?

However, you can learn how to throw spears from your teammate Yang Chen.

Therefore, Li Yelai had no use for the mounted archery and bow and arrow. I can only hope that when I have the opportunity to open the later facial makeup, I will get a divine path facial makeup.

Then came Huo Qubing’s third skill in facial makeup, orientation perception.

This is an ability similar to intuition. No matter how chaotic the terrain is, Huo Qubing can rely on intuition to identify the correct direction.

This is very useful, Li Yelai nodded in his mind.

Apart from these skills, the ability brought by the champion candidate face mask is the most intuitive improvement.

Shadow Army, any unit killed by Li Yelai will have their shadow taken away. Become the new Shadow Army.

Li Ye had killed more than two hundred Zhelan cavalry before he came, and now had almost twenty shadow troops.

Just the blessing of twenty shadow troops allowed Li Yelai to explode with extremely fast speed and strong defense.

This ability can be regarded as making up for Li Yelai's shortcomings.

From now on, I won’t be afraid of not being able to catch up with the enemy. There is no need to worry about being seriously injured by powerful attacks.

The improvement of the Shadow Army is in many aspects. Although it is not as powerful as Xiang Yu's Weakness Seeing, its auxiliary effect is extremely strong.

Afterwards, if you are besieged by enemies, you can use Xiang Yu's facial makeup to fight, kill the enemies efficiently, and absorb more shadow troops.

If the number of Shadow Army increases again in the future, the blessing will probably be even more powerful.

Thinking of this, Li Yelai suddenly frowned.

"I'm not a murderer. Why would I consider this? Am I really affected by the desire to kill?"

Li Yelai shook his head and threw away the thoughts in his mind.

Although Xiang Yu and Huo Qubing experienced countless bloody battles in their illusions. No longer afraid of blood.

But Li Yelai didn't want to cause any killings.

At present, the only human being who died in Li Yelai's hands was the old guy Wang De.

At this time, Bai Yang, who had bandaged his broken arm, noticed Li Yelai's movements and couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, how are you? Why don't you go take a rest?" Li Ye looked at Bai Yang's broken arm. His arm was broken while fighting a Crimson Notice creature from the Void.

"It's okay. My arm has been found and saved. When the matter is over, just ask the epidemic doctor captain to help me connect it." Bai Yang smiled and said: "If you have any confusion, you can tell me."

"Well, actually, I was thinking about the ability of the Shadow Army. How to get more blessings without killing people." Li Yelai told the truth. Anyway, the other party has already seen the second face. Li Yelai didn't hide it either.

When Bai Yang heard this, he looked deeply at Li Yelai: "There are people in Border City No. 2 who also obtained the Shadow Army. But they got it during the fifth awakening."

"Then what?" Li Yelai asked.

"Even as a handler, it is impossible to encounter the person or monster that should be killed every time. Therefore, the number of his shadow army is very small. Then he is swallowed by desire, and in order to obtain a lot of shadow army, he slaughters people in the wilderness. Several villages have become wanted criminals." Bai Yang Youyou said, "Don't become such a person."

Li Yelai said seriously: "I won't do it. I don't like killing."

Bai Yang thought to himself, 'If I hadn't seen you chasing a group of cavalry, I would have almost believed it! ’

However, considering that it was all about avenging his teammates, Bai Yang nodded slightly: "Don't indulge in it. There are supreme beings in the virtual realm who specialize in bewitching people who are addicted to killing. However, some people still have to die, just like this time. If I catch the bastard who caused these troubles, I will show him what a hellish scene is!"

Li Yelai nodded in agreement.

He also knew that it was not just the Black Prison of the East City Branch that was fighting at the moment. Other teams, other divisions, are fighting hard.

If Li Yunyan hadn't been at the family apartment, safety would have been guaranteed.

Li Ye couldn't imagine how frightened he would be.

In this battle, I don’t know how many teammates will die.

Those beasts who did such things have become mortal enemies.

No mercy for them!

On the other side, there is the lower half of the black prison.

A fierce war had just ended, and the Ice Witch, Yin Hu, and the Demon Host were all suppressed one after another.

But the price paid was tragic.

Several senior soldiers died in battle.

At this moment, the man lying in front of Yang Chen took the initiative to put on the black dragon armor in order to suppress the forbidden objects.

As the battle ended, he decisively stabbed his heart through the gap in his armor and killed himself. To prevent yourself from becoming a monster controlled by armor.

Yang Chen looked silently at the dying comrade in front of him, his face gloomy and terrifying.

"Captain. After I die, take out the mysterious materials from the well of my soul. This black dragon has a lot of things." The man was wearing a dark armor, his skin had grown scales, and his hands had turned into sharp claws. It is also half human and half dragon.

The dragon man leaned against the wall and said with a smile: "Whether it's making a magic potion or psychic weapons for Night General. It's all a wish of a senior like me."

Yang Chen whispered: "Did you see it?"

"Of course, you can't hide things. You want to cultivate Night General into the next generation of champions. I will try my best to help you." The dragon man chuckled: "Don't put too much pressure on yourself. You are doing a good job. very good"

Then, he no longer breathed.

Yang Chen looked at his body and the bodies of those comrades.

He covered his brain in pain and let out a horrifying roar.

Once again, he watched helplessly as his teammates died before his eyes.


(To report the results, the first order was 2,600. But because I was given a red envelope, it should actually be less than 2,000._)

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