Outside the brewery, three figures, one large, one middle, and one small, used the lighting equipment on Li Lin's power armor to run quickly inside the brewery, which was so dark that it was almost impossible to see.

Because Li Lin's power armor was too conspicuous and the noise when walking was relatively loud, and they didn't know what was going on in the brewery.

So before entering the Wells Winery, Caitlin originally planned to let Li Lin stay outside to take care of the situation, while she and Jess sneaked into the winery to investigate.

But to their surprise, before they stepped into the factory gate, there was a loud explosion of a blast bomb inside.

There seems to be someone fighting inside!

The three of them looked at each other for a moment, then quickly reacted and headed straight to the direction of the source of the sound.

"Li Lin, Jace, hurry up!"

There were several intermittent loud explosions of explosive bombs, and then everything became calm.

Realizing that the battle was probably over, Caitlin couldn't help but feel nervous, and hurriedly urged Li Lin and Jace, who were left behind by her.

"You should slow down, Kate." Li Lin felt helpless, "It's dangerous for you to rush ahead so rashly..."

"Yes, there are obviously forces here that we don't know about. We have to be careful and shouldn't be so public." Jess also advised with some breathlessness.

"Of course I know this, but my parents..."

Caitlin didn't know what she thought of. She stopped abruptly in mid-sentence and slowed down her pace to match the speed of Li Lin and Jace.

Li Lin thought that she was in a hurry and was not so easy to talk to, so he was stunned for a moment, "Uh... what are you doing?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Caitlin's eyes, "I think I know who we just fought."


"The commotion caused by C shook the stability of the upper city, so the Gray Lady took action." She quickly analyzed, "Based on the battle just now, it is very likely that C has been killed by the Gray Lady..."

"Grey Lady..."

Jace glanced at the hammer in his hand, and then at the power armor on Li Lin's body, and his throat couldn't help but squirm.

"If the party fighting just now was really the Gray Lady, then we are not..."

You weren't afraid when you were studying Hex Crystals before, why are you scared now?

Li Lin felt funny in his heart, "What are you afraid of? Even if the Gray Lady comes to visit, you should come to me, right? I invented the Hex Energy Crystal."

"Screw you, you said before that I had a lot of credit for providing you with ideas, and now you want to take the credit for yourself."

Being interrupted by Li Lin, Jace's nervousness was relieved a lot, and he laughed and cursed.

Caitlin looked back at them with an angry look, "Shh, you two, stop being poor. There's something going on here."

Li Lin and Jess immediately stopped talking and followed Caitlin, who suddenly stopped, back to the fork they had just passed.

She walked a dozen steps towards the other road, then returned to the two of them, pointing to the side of the bifurcated corridor ahead, "Do you feel anything?"

"What do you feel? I don't feel anything?"

In addition to being a genius in scientific research, Jess seemed a bit slow in other aspects. He seemed to focus all his potential on science and had no idea what Caitlin meant.

Caitlin rolled her eyes at him speechlessly, then turned her gaze to the steel man next to her, "What about you, Li Lin?"

Li Lin raised his eyebrows slightly, "Well, if I insist, there is a sour taste of metal decay in my mouth..."

Caitlin's eyes showed approval, "That's right! I didn't train you in vain some time ago."

After a slight pause, she first pointed to the corridor they had just entered and then returned to, and then pointed to another fork in the road. She put her right index finger against her chin and quickly analyzed:

"Just now when we were coming here, a strong metallic rancid taste suddenly came out of my mouth. I didn't pay much attention to it at first, thinking it was my own problem.

"But when I passed this side road heading here, the taste in my mouth suddenly subsided a lot. This sudden change made me feel a little abnormal, so I stopped you.

"When we returned to this fork in the road, this smell appeared again, and then I just walked along this corridor, and the rancid taste in my mouth became stronger and stronger..."

Caitlin stopped talking here. She believed that both Li Lin and Jace could understand what she wanted to express.

"When you say that...it's true that I feel the same way."

Jace held the handle of the hammer and stood the hammer on the ground, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"But the problem is, I often had the taste of rancid metal in my mouth for no reason before? It's just not as strong as it is now. So what's going on?"

"Think about it carefully, when have you ever had a rancid taste in your mouth?" Caitlin guided Jace to recall.

"Uh, using my hammer just now, and standing next to Li Lin when I come to the city tonight...

"Oh, by the way, I had this feeling when I was studying the Hex Crystal before!"

After saying this, Jace's eyes suddenly lit up and he reflected, "Could it be the Hex Crystal that causes this situation?"


Is there such a thing?

Even Li Lin, who knew the official background story, was a little confused.

Maybe I didn’t pay attention to some details, or maybe there are differences between the real world and the background novel.

However, he felt that the culprit of the rancid metallic taste in his mouth was unlikely to be the Hex Crystal.

"Anyway, judging from the current situation, it is indeed the case." Caitlin said solemnly.

"Although I have never seen the true appearance of the Gray Lady, I heard that her entire body has been modified by Hex technology augmentation, and even her heart has been replaced with a Hex core.

"If an ordinary Hex Crystal can cause this situation, then it is understandable that the more powerful Hex Crystal on the Gray Lady's chest will make this situation more serious."

Through these details, Caitlin was more certain that the party fighting just now was the Gray Lady.

After a brief exchange, the three people changed directions and continued walking deeper into the brewery.

Not long after, under the light of the lighting equipment on Li Lin's power armor shell, they quickly discovered a woman lying in a pool of blood. At first glance, she seemed to have lost her voice.

Caitlin's face changed slightly, and she hurriedly ran over and squatted down on one knee, turning the lying woman over. At a glance, she saw her staring eyes and a blood seam on her neck that was turned out and the blood no longer flowed out. .

"A Shuriman, the fatal wound was a cut on the neck with a sharp weapon, it should be a fatal blow... The wound is very smooth, it seems that the person who killed her was very skillful."

Then, Caitlin waved her hand for Li Lin to come closer and carefully inspected the body with the help of light.

She first reached out and touched the woman's body. There was still residual warmth on the surface of the skin, proving that she had not been dead for long.

Later, she checked the amplification device that was a combination of Hex Technology and Alchemy Technology, and noticed the green spots in the woman's dull eyes.

"She not only has Hex technology, but also has increased alchemy technology. She should not be a pure city native...

"The green spots in her eyes are the same color as the liquid in the alchemy tube, which proves that she was strengthened with alchemical potions before she died. There is also a high-frequency vibrating knife invented by the talented craftsman Zevi.

"Based on the current information, we can first of all be absolutely sure that the person who just fought her was the Gray Lady, so she could not defeat her even after using so many methods.

"Secondly, there is a high probability that this guy is C who kidnapped my parents. There is a high possibility that my parents are somewhere in this winery."

Caitlin buckled lightly, then stood up, swapping roles between herself and C, then checked the surrounding traces of the battle, and fell into thought:

"Before the Gray Lady came, C would definitely stay in a hidden position with a panoramic view of the brewery. But when the Gray Lady came to the door, her first reaction would definitely be to run away.

“What the Gray Lady wants is stability, and with C’s intelligence, it is very likely that she will try to blackmail the Gray Lady with my mother, who is a councilor.

"Since she fled in this direction, and the traces on the ground are not leading to the exit, it means that my parents are still alive, and they are probably over there..."

Caitlin's careful analysis made Li Lin and Jace stunned for a moment.

Then, she squinted slightly and looked to the side of the corridor, then strode over there, "I'll leave the body here for now. Find my parents first."

After running for a while, Caitlin heard no footsteps behind her. She looked back and saw Li Lin and Jace still standing there in confusion.

"Why are you still standing there! Come here quickly, let's look for it from here first!"

Tip: In the novel "Bloodline" written by Shurima in the main universe, it is mentioned that performing magic will produce a rancid taste of metal in people's mouths.

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