Things outside are fermenting more and more.

Li Yuan and the other three were hiding in the dormitory, drinking cold drinks, and watching Chen Qi help them with online classes.

Online classes are extremely disgusting. In order to force enough time to study, you must maintain a dynamic awareness at all times, otherwise the progress will stop.

Moreover, many of the questions in it are so disgusting that even if you copy the answers, you will have to copy them for a long time.

Three notebooks were placed in front of Chen Qi, and he wished he had eight hands.

Li Yuan took a look at the chat history with Ana Shen. She had not replied since she said that sentence an hour ago.

At this time, she must have known that it was Gu Dongsheng who did it, but she had no intention of changing her story.

He edited a message and sent it.

"Sister Shen, the matter has been investigated clearly. There is a crush on you in my dormitory. He saw us meeting in a cafe and misunderstood that we were related. So he became jealous, so he made up a story and sent it out. His name is Gu Dongsheng, your ID number is 420XXXXXXXXX, take it and call the police directly."

Soon, Ana Shen replied, “??????”

"He's your roommate!"

"Yes, it is precisely because he is my roommate that I am so righteous in killing my relatives. The purpose is to let him realize his mistakes and correct his mistakes. If it were anyone else, I wouldn't pay attention to him."

"That person is really a good roommate in China."

"I just think my senior is praising me. The good and bad in my heart are not shielding or condoning. I am sworn in with illegal crimes!"

Gu Dongsheng calculated well and even thought about taking the initiative to take responsibility.

But he missed one thing, Ana Shen didn't want to do anything to him at all, Ana Shen only wanted to do something to herself.

Ana Shen will not give up until she takes the blame.

Therefore, Gu Dongsheng's plan completely went astray at this time, leaving only side effects and a pit.

Ana Shen was still pushing her waist from behind, trying to make herself jump down.

Ana Shen looked at the message sent by Li Yuan and frowned slightly.

This was different from what she had imagined.

At this time, there were many messages sent by her classmates on her mobile phone, some of which were trying to prove the truth, and some of which directly criticized the people who spread the rumors and caused trouble.

Of course, some people also asked whether they should call the police to resolve the matter.

The teachers at the college have contacted her and said they could help her obtain school surveillance to find out who did this.

As long as she, the client, speaks, the matter can be determined within an hour.

At present, the relevant posts have been deleted, but various screenshots are circulated in various groups throughout the school, and it is almost already known to the whole school.

If she calls the police, Gu Dongsheng will be fired.

But she initially thought that Li Yuan was behind the scenes to get closer to her.

She didn't expect Li Yuan to pick her off so cleanly that she didn't know how to continue.

In her eyes, Gu Dongsheng is not difficult to deal with. She won't be afraid of anything directed at her.

But that guy Li Yuan was not normal. He didn't attack him. Instead, he found an opening from Shu Yanlin and got closer little by little.

This method is very clever, and there must be an in-depth investigation behind it, otherwise I would not have met Shu Yanlin by chance and set a trap for Shu Yanlin.

"Does he think he is really capable of chasing me?"

She can be kind to everyone and never puts on any airs.

Because she knows that those people have no interest in her. Putting on airs and being cold can certainly keep some people away from her, but it may also bring some risks.

What if someone pretends to be a pig to eat the tiger or has a twisted heart...

She had done a good job of balancing before and everyone was treated equally. If you ask her for WeChat, she will give it to you. In order to take care of the emotions of those people, she posts some photos of her daily life in Moments from time to time, but she never replies to any messages, except for a group of people who have pinned them to the top.

But now, the balance is disturbed.

So she had to make Li Yuan completely give up on this idea, on the one hand to restore the balance of relationships around her, and on the other hand to give Li Yuan a warning.

But Li Yuan was like a non-stick pan, so she had no way to start, so she could only try to do it.

So she edited a message and sent it.

"The school leaders are already asking if this matter needs to be reported to the police. As long as the initiator of this matter sincerely apologizes to me and promises not to harass me in the future, I will not be held responsible."

She thinks that for this reason, it's time for Li Yuan to stand up and admit his mistake, right?

But after waiting for more than ten minutes, Li Yuan didn't reply at all.

She couldn't help but send another message.

"The school leaders have already said that this matter should be dealt with seriously. I have been suppressing this matter. We are all classmates. It is not easy to get into Jiangzhou University. I don't want to ruin each other's career because of a mistake. Lifetime. If the other party doesn’t stand up and admit their mistakes, then I won’t be able to hold it back.”

"I can guarantee that I will not pursue the responsibility for this matter. I only need to publicly apologize. Even if it is the school leaders, I can help speak."

After sending it, Ana Shen started waiting again.

However, these messages seemed to have disappeared without any reply.

She wished the WeChat chat had a 'read' sign on it.

Li Yuan did not admit her mistake, and she would not end this matter easily.

After waiting for another ten minutes, a piece of news made her unable to recover.

The person who sent the message was Gu Dongsheng, who was from the student union. She had been a friend of Gu Dongsheng for a long time.

When Gu Dongsheng sent her a message about this matter before, she didn't pay attention at all, because she immediately believed that Li Yuan was behind it.

What Gu Dongsheng sent was a photo, but the location where the photo was taken was very special.

On the roof of a certain building, Gu Dongsheng was sitting on the edge, his legs already hanging in the air.

In the entire photo, only these things can be seen.

"Gu Dongsheng, what do you want to do?"

Ana Shen had a bad feeling.

Soon, there was a reply from Gu Dongsheng, "Sister Shen, I'm sorry to have caused you so much trouble. It was my impulsiveness and my extreme personality. Now the whole school is talking about it, and I find that I have I don’t have the face to face you. I have left a letter of confession in the dormitory, hoping to use my own life to repay my senior sister’s innocence.”

When Ana Shen saw this message, her hands shook suddenly.

Gu Dongsheng wants to jump off the building?

Then what are you telling yourself?

Whether you jump off a building or not, what does it have to do with you?

But now, it matters.

Not only did she reply to Gu Dongsheng, she also learned that he was going to jump off the building.

Even calling the police or notifying school leaders is not a good solution.

If Gu Dongsheng really jumped, his image of being kind and kind-hearted would suddenly collapse.

No matter how well you do it, it cannot make up for a human life.

Even if he is a complete victim in this matter, his moral vote will tend to favor the deceased, as long as the deceased is not heinous.

There is a saying that goes like this, everyone is dead...

He even blamed himself for Gu Dongsheng's death.

Who allowed himself to see it, reply to it, but not save the person?

People's bystander morality is at least three dimensions higher than the actual moral bottom line.

Ana Shen's face became a little ugly. She could afford the loss of reputation caused by spreading rumors, but she could not afford the loss of reputation caused by the death of the rumor maker.

It will forever be a black spot in her life and reputation.

"Junior, I remember you. You were a very sunny and cheerful boy. Speaking of this matter, there are also some reasons for me. I have been suppressing this matter and did not call the police. In fact, I was reflecting on myself. .”

"Senior, I'm sorry."

"You don't have to say sorry. Didn't I just say that I am also responsible for this matter. Come down first and don't do anything extreme. I think the photo should be of the laboratory behind the hospital building. I will go over and treat you to dinner now. How about ?”

"No, no, no, I don't have the face to face my senior sister. I know how much trouble I have caused. My parents worked hard to support me in college. I have blackened their faces and I have no shame to see them."

Ana Shen went crazy when she saw this message.

He gritted his teeth and typed out a line of words.

"I promise you that I will not pursue this matter, and will not cause your reputation in the school to be damaged, nor will anyone know that you did this. You will not be expelled from school, and you will not be expelled from school. The school will punish you as if this never happened."

"Don't you even believe what I say?"


This plot was indeed not designed well. What I originally thought was that if Ana Shen can disgust the male protagonist, then the male protagonist can still kidnap her morally. It is up to everyone to make their own moves.

Then there is the matter of the male protagonist’s roommate being an idiot. I also changed it slightly based on my personal experience.

I vaguely remember that my stupid roommate confessed my love for me and went to the bottom of the girls dormitory with a loudspeaker to shout. As a result, a pregnant girl was frightened into having a miscarriage. (I don’t know if I was really scared.)

All three guys in the dormitory were punished. I think it’s understandable for freshman to behave stupidly, right?

If everyone thinks it’s too toxic, be tolerant and tolerant.

If I really can't tolerate it, then I will use my trump card.

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