Deep forest floor.

The already gloomy sky and the obstruction of the high tree canopy made the forest look even more gloomy.

The hunting team returned to the surface one after another after completing the investigation of the human-faced owl nest.

Before landing, the team members heard rhythmic sounds echoing in the forest.


This is the sound an ax makes when cutting wood.

Ansaili, who was the first to land, saw Yu Ke swinging an ax and striking the exposed tree roots on the ground.

There are other plants scattered around nearby.

Ansaili, who had just raised the question, quickly realized the reason for Yu Ke's actions and began to examine the cut plants nearby.

As expected, as long as the plants in this forest area have abnormal colors inside, there are no exceptions.

Dark purple, navy blue and even rainbow colors presented by chemicals.

"Your guess is correct. Pandora infected the entire forest area by contaminating the water source."

Yu Ke put away the Leviathan Ax, turned to look at Anseli, shrugged his shoulders and said.

If one or two plants can be explained as coincidences, then if there are problems within such a large range of plants, it must be because the soil and water in this area have changed under the influence of Pandora.

The current situation is undoubtedly beyond their control.

There were no biological environment experts present, so no one could explain the situation. They could only keep recording scenes from the scene and collect as many samples as possible.

Not only plant samples, Anseli also specifically instructed the team members to catch a few insects living in this forest area.

Yu Ke took advantage of his free time to walk around. When he came back, he already had two snakes in his hand. He showed the wound to Anseli.

"They did not come back from the dead. The blood flowing from the wounds was also bright red, and the degree of infection was not high."

Yu Ke, who had the ability to detect leaks and fill in gaps, inspected the snake carcasses and knew that they were infected.

It's just that although these ordinary creatures are infected, they are not as serious as the human-faced owl.

"What needs to be determined now is how large the infected forest area is, what level of infection it has reached, and how many there are."

The words stopped abruptly, and Anseli looked a little ugly.

Her idea is correct, and the current situation does require further verification.

However, this is deep in the Jinghu Forest. They have to be careful when going deep here. How easy is it to organize a large-scale investigation?

The top priority is to convey the situation here immediately.

After sorting out the various samples collected, the team returned to the small garden workstation.

Anseli found Stationmaster He immediately and informed him of their findings. Stationmaster He, who learned the shocking news, also fell into a long silence. After a while, he said,

"We should still have time. Pandora has only entered its mature stage in two or three days. It is not easy to completely affect the ecosystem. As long as we can find it and suppress it before it causes catastrophic consequences, maybe There is still room for redemption.”

Pandora's abilities are limited, at least for now.

Otherwise, it wouldn't have had to try every possible means to escape, it would have just forcibly killed everyone on the workstation.

The transformation of the ecosystem is also not something that can be completed in just a few days. The cycle required is extremely complicated. Even Pandora needs some external means.

Control or eliminate Pandora as quickly as possible, and there will be room for redemption.

Half an hour later, the handover of all materials was completed.

The injured at the workstation and several researchers with mental problems were put on the yak, and the team prepared to return.

Stationmaster He decided to lead the team to stay here and continue to study how the flowers on the body of the human-faced owl were produced and what special effects they had.

The atmosphere on the ride back from the work station was dull.

The investigation went smoothly.

The weather did not deteriorate, the road was smooth, no dangerous beasts were encountered, and there were quite a few discoveries.

The problem is that this discovery is too shocking.

Zhang Renqi leaned on the saddle on the yak's back and kept drinking water. His eyes shifted to Anseli and Yu Ke.

"Are you sure you're not playing a prank? This is really not a joke!"

"Well, it's actually just a joke. Pandora didn't pollute that forest area at all. I lied to you~"

Yu Ke raised his eyebrows and responded expressionlessly.

"The situation may be more serious than we imagined. Finding Pandora is no longer just a task, but something we must do as soon as possible. It can do this to this extent before it is out of trouble. Once it is released, When fully developed, the damage to Jinghu Forest will be unimaginable. The animals and plants living there will undergo uncontrolled large-scale mutations!"

With her thin golden eyebrows knitted together, Anseli looked particularly solemn. Seeing with her own eyes the dark purple color in the stems of those ferns and the roots of the trees, she knew very well how much the situation in the forest area had deteriorated.

Now only the human-faced owl and the missing people are coming back from the dead.

Killing them is as simple as an elite team armed with searchlights that project bright light.

However, when Pandora is completely integrated into the forest and its infectivity radiates like a virus, this place will become a restricted area for life.

"Return to the Forest Protection Bureau, I will report the situation here, find and suppress Pandora as quickly as possible, no matter the cost!"

Axelius made the final decision, and the other two had no objections to it.

Zhang Renqi is the transportation captain. The mission of hunting Pandora in Jinghu Forest has nothing to do with him. Yu Ke has long decided to go into the depths of Jinghu Forest after getting the new bow and arrow, and look for Pandora along the way. pull.

Not that he cares much about the changes in Jinghu Forest.

As long as it was related to forest rangers and hunters, Yu Ke was interested in getting involved for the sake of experience points.

What's more, Pandora involves his newly obtained [Investigator] profession. If he wants to upgrade, he has to rely on investigating Pandora.

According to past experience, as long as you perform work that is consistent with your occupation, your experience points will increase regardless of the results. The only difference is the efficiency of the increase.

He was counting on this opportunity to gain experience for [Investigator]!

At five o'clock in the evening, the transport team returned to the outskirts of Jinghu Forest. Zhang Renqi, who had just received important information, immediately led the team to leave. Ansaili also began to report to the senior management of the Forestry Defense Bureau, but before leaving, he still found Yu Ke.

"Add your contact information and send me the data after you return to Danhang City to complete the promotion process. It is very important that you take us to the human-faced owl nest this time. I will complete what I promised you as soon as possible."

Whether it is a combat uniform or the customization of a new bow and arrow set, Yu Ke's personal data is required, otherwise the things made will not be suitable for him and the effect will be greatly reduced.

Yu Ke knew this very well and was not in a hurry. He still understood the principle of sharpening the knife and chopping wood.

Yu Ke, who left the team, returned to the forest patrol camp alone.

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