Man in Warhammer, starting Primarch

Chapter 95 95, the original plan of forging Space Marines, the mystery of Ran Dan

Dukel was once lonely.

Because whenever he works overtime without sleep, he is the only one in the empty office.

But now, with strong men who are capable enough to work overtime with him and who also don't need to rest, he caught three in one go!

At this moment, he was discussing the plan for Space Marine surgery with three others.

"Change the eighteenth (gene storage gland) of the nineteen conventional Astartes surgeries to the 'Psychic Engine', and add the three original casting technologies of Tendon Coil, Hymn to the Virgin, and Belisarius' Furnace , a total of twenty-two surgeries, is there anything else you need to add?”

Dukel sorted out the plans in his hands, looked at everyone and asked.

"I have a proposition, brother."

What surprised Dukel was that after the two great sages slowly shook their heads and said they had nothing to add, it was Magnus who added something.

"Please tell me." Duker said expectantly.

He was not worried that the demon primarch would take the opportunity to cause trouble. If he were worried, he would not let him join the scientific research team.

Magnus has been most criticized for having knowledge but no wisdom.

The Crimson King's respect for knowledge has reached the point of being paranoid - during the past Great Crusade, he had more than one conflict with other Primarch brothers because of his protection of libraries that were burned by war. .

Dukel knew his brother, and a man like him would not use knowledge as a lie.

The other party has always been shielded by the psychic force field and cannot be bewitched by Tzeentch.

The most important thing is that the power of the mind has the effect of affecting people's hearts. Although this effect on the original body is very weak, Magnus has been in the mind force field for so long, and Duker can still determine the authenticity of his words. Easily judged.

"Dukele, I have been observing your psychic field for a long time, even though you always say that psychic energy comes from the human spirit and will, not psychic energy."

"But brother, in my opinion, spiritual energy is also a by-product of spiritual energy. In other words, all energy related to spirituality cannot escape its connection with subspace." Magnus's eyes radiated with various colors. of light,

"So my proposal is to add specific psychic circuits to these three artificial organs, the third and fourth stages (muscle strengthening organs and reconstructed blood-forming organs), as well as the regenerator (Belisarius' furnace). This way Not only can it increase the operating efficiency of the psychic engine, but it can also improve the genetic abilities that your descendants inherit from you."

After hearing this, Duker lowered his head slightly and pondered. In the process, he used the computing power of the Heart Network to calculate the feasibility of Magnus's suggestion.

And the final result turned out to be really feasible.

Pony still has something. Duker glanced at him approvingly,

"Very good, a good suggestion. Is there anything else you need to add?"

the primarch asked again.

"Brother, I have another question."

"What's the problem?" Duker asked.

"Can your mind engine technology really be completed? I found many details in it that do not conform to the laws of the physical universe. How are you going to complete them?"

Magnus asked in confusion. In his opinion, if the psychic engine cannot be completed, then everything else is empty talk.

"This" is naturally the orc's waaagh force field technology that can distort the physical universe. It's not that Duker deliberately concealed it, but no one had asked before, so he forgot to mention it.

Now, he has no need to hide this technology at all.

So he said it bluntly, if he had to conceal any technology he had, it would be difficult to move forward with the next project.

But at this moment, Magnus showed a reaction that he had never expected.

"Brother, are you involved with aliens again?"

"Why did you say 'again'?" Duker asked, staring straight at him.


On the other side, after waking up, Guilliman finally finished handling the heavy government affairs and had a moment of his own time.

And the first thing he did after he had some free time was to visit Fulgrim.

Under the leadership of the Gray Knight, he came to the cage where the demon primarch was imprisoned.

At this time, Fulgrim was penetrated by a steel cable engraved with psychic runes, hanging his strange snake-like body in mid-air.

All the bones in his body were broken every six hours to prevent him from regaining mobility.

A whole team of Sisters of Silence stood outside the cage. These 'Untouchables' used their anti-psionic properties to isolate the Daemon Primarch from the Warp.

The choir of the Ecclesiarchy sings the emperor's psalms all the time. In the chanting of the psalms, all demons will feel doubled and their strength will be suppressed.

But these methods are still a bit too childish for the demon prince of Slaanesh. Not only did Fulgrim not feel the slightest pain, he even felt a little happy?

When his brother came here, he was even humming the ditty of his hometown.

But there is no way of knowing Fulgrim's true inner thoughts - the proud Primarch never revealed his true thoughts in front of mortals.

"Look, who is here? The great regent, the perfect son, you have been saved again. What, my lucky brother, are you here for revenge? Come on, after all, this is you Rare opportunity."

After seeing Guilliman arrive, Fulgrim sneered mercilessly.

But in the face of his sarcasm, Guilliman, who had always been prone to anger, only showed sadness in his eyes at this moment, "I didn't want to do anything Fulgrim, how to judge you is for our father to consider. I just I simply came to see you and my former brother.”

"What are you looking at me for? Look at how down and out I am. Come on, Guilliman, why are you hypocritical? You have never defeated me. On the contrary, you were defeated by me, twice!" Fulgrim curled his lips, Said disdainfully.

"When did winning and losing become so important, brother? I was forced to become an enemy of my brothers who were closely related to each other by blood, and what my brothers killed was exactly what we had sacrificed our lives to protect together; I Watching brothers leave or disappear, but unable to do anything. Is there any tragedy more tragic than this in the galaxy?" The sadness in Guilliman's eyes became more intense.

"Fulgrim, even you, the moment I learned that you had fallen, my heart was as sharp as a knife."

Faced with Guilliman's true feelings.

Fulgrim fell into a brief silence, and then he still maintained his previous attitude and said disdainfully,

"Are you pitying me? It doesn't have to be like this. Now I am in the arms of the Prince of Darkness, enjoying supreme joy every minute. But you, who are trapped in such a huge crisis, are not at ease. You know, isn’t it a hundred times more pitiful than me?”

"Are you referring to the current situation of the empire? Everything will be fine, there is still hope!" Guilliman said with firm eyes.

"Ha, that's why I say you are pitiful. I mean our brother!"

"You mean Dukel? What's wrong with him?" Guilliman frowned slightly, wondering what trick Fulgrim was going to play.

"It's him. Don't you think he's a little too powerful? The only one who can rival him now is probably Horus in the past. But brother, think about it carefully. Horus has the blessings of the gods. , and what does he have?”

"You mean the aliens and Randan? Do you remember what happened there?" Guilliman quickly raised his head and asked after thinking briefly.

"How is it possible? The Emperor hated the xenos so deeply that he erased everything about it, including our memories. But can't you think, my brother?"

Guilliman stood with his original body, his head lowered in thought, his expression uncertain.

After a long period of thinking and inner struggle, he suddenly raised his head and his eyes became firm again.

"Fulgrim, you are still trying to seduce me until now."

But before he finished speaking, a sound of heavy footsteps suddenly sounded from not far away.

"Why think, brothers."

"I'm right here, why don't we have a frank chat?"

"The gathering of the four original bodies is really a nostalgic scene."

Dukel's majestic body slowly emerged, and appeared with him, as well as a helpless Magnus hanging on his waist.

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