Lawyer's character

Chapter 96 For the glory in my heart

Fang Yi left the director's office, returned to his seat, and began to browse the web to check the recent homicides in the county, and found them quickly.

This case is a typical story between a hawker and an urban management officer, except instead of fighting and crying, someone died.

There was surveillance at the gate of the community at that time, and everything was captured on film. Later, the hawker ran to the police station and surrendered. He is now detained in the detention center. The case file has been transferred to the court and is waiting for the hearing.

Because the criminal suspect in this case was suspected of homicide and could be sentenced to death, and the hawker's family was too poor to hire a lawyer for him, the court appointed a defense lawyer through the Legal Aid Center (a unit of the Bureau of Justice).

Fang Yi thought this case was relatively simple, but when he thought that the suspect hawker might be sentenced to death and executed immediately, he had to take it seriously.

He remembered the first similar criminal case that occurred in the capital many years ago, and the suspect in that case was eventually sentenced to death. In the following years, such cases occurred frequently and became a hot social issue. He studied similar cases when he was teaching at the university.

There is an unknown story hidden behind every criminal case. A hawker drew a knife and killed someone for a cart of apples and an electric tricycle. What happened behind this made the hawker so impulsive? Fang Yi couldn't help but draw a picture in his heart. A question mark.

The case will go to trial next month, and there is still half a month left. Fang Yi plans to trace the source to see what happened to the hawker, so as to prepare for his defense.

Director Sun reported Fang Yi's name and relevant materials to the Legal Aid Center, and then called Chu Huai in.

Lawyer Chu, the Justice Bureau has provided ten legal aid cases, and they are not complicated. Lawyer Zhao is injured and is not in the office. Lawyer Fang has taken a criminal case. You can represent the remaining ones. Sun Zhengyi said.

Thank you, director. Chu Huai was happy in his heart: It seems that the director is still thinking about him.

I was happy today. Chu Huai originally wanted to go home from get off work, drink some wine and have a good time, but when he got home, he heard his wife was teaching the child to do homework in the small bedroom, screaming, which made his heart suddenly lift. .

This is the most dangerous time at home. If he is idle and sits on the sofa with his legs crossed, waiting to be eaten, his wife will most likely take her anger out on him when she comes out and perform one of the ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty.

Chu Huai knows what his wife is like. The child is his own and can be scolded but not beaten. But the husband is different. He is a proper punching bag and has to endure whatever the beating. There is no room for reasoning (anyway) Not his own biological child).

Hearing his wife's voice getting louder and louder, Chu Huai knew that it was almost time and the volcano was about to erupt. He immediately put down his briefcase, went straight to the kitchen, put on his apron, washed rice and cooked.

There was a bang on the door, and the wife walked out of the bedroom and walked around angrily: You're back! There was a murderous look in her voice.

Ah, I see you're quite busy. I'm thinking of cooking you something delicious to replenish your appetite. Chu Huai poked his head out of the kitchen and said with a charming smile.

The wife stared at him and said nothing. She calmed down and went back to the bedroom to continue the Hedong lion's roar.

Chu Huai put down the celery in his hand and sat down on the chair. This test was considered passed. At this time, he truly envied Zhao Zhongcheng. Lawyer Zhao came from a DINK family and did not have children. Without children, there would be no need for homework tutoring. Without homework tutoring, he would be less angry. If he was less angry, the family would be harmonious, and Lawyer Zhao would not have to go home to listen to others and do things.

But he thought again, it wasn't right, Zhao Zhongcheng's wife was a tigress, she was saying hello with a feather duster all day long... Hey! Every family has its own worries.

In fact, Zhao Zhongcheng was attracted by Dink, not that he wanted Dink himself. He had a son with his ex-wife, but he gave it to his ex-wife during the divorce. His current wife, Tan Guihua, had no children after several years of marriage. Later, a checkup revealed that he was infertile. I wonder if this was God's punishment for Zhao Zhongcheng, a big fool.

Since she has no children, Lawyer Zhao's wife Tan Guihua is afraid that he will have second thoughts, so she pays close attention to him. She will serve him with a feather duster at the slightest sign of trouble to make him remember.

On this day, Fang Yi was checking related cases when the mobile phone on the table rang.

Hello, I'm Lawyer Fang. Fang Yi grabbed the phone and pressed the answer button.

Hello, Lawyer Fang, I heard that you are responsible for Zhao Yutian's case. Zhao Yutian is from our village, and I am the director of his village committee. Are you free this afternoon? I want to talk to you about Yutian's case. Listen. The other person's voice was that of a middle-aged man.

Okay, I was just trying to find out about his situation. If it's convenient for you, come to the office and I'll send you the location. After Fang Yi finished speaking, the other party agreed and hung up the phone.

Fang Yi has made an appointment to go to the detention center to see Zhao Yutian the day after tomorrow. There is no contact information for his family in the case file, only the name of the village where he lives. Fang Yi has been worried for the past two days. If it is not possible, he plans to go to the village to find Zhao Yutian. Ask someone familiar with the situation.

This cannot be regarded as investigation and evidence collection, and he does not intend to use what he learned as evidence, because this would involve taking great professional risks and might constitute perjury.

If we go through the procedure according to Masayoshi Son, there is no problem at all, but the suspect will most likely be sentenced to death and executed immediately. Whether to turn left or right is completely a matter of thought, but the difference in thought may cost a person's life. If it was really just going through the procedures, Fang Yi would feel guilty deep in his heart.

Everyone has the right to be defended, even if he is notorious. In this current case, perhaps hard work in defense cannot save the suspect's life, but at least Fang Yi can live up to his conscience.

After much deliberation, the only thing he could do was to explain the motive of the crime and Zhao Yutian's family situation to the judge in court. If possible, he could impress the judge and save a life, and he would have done a great job.

This may be the extravagant wish of every lawyer who handles criminal cases, for money, fame, and the glory in his heart.

In the afternoon, two men came to the law firm. The one walking in front was a man in his forties, with a red face and a mustache. He was muscular and strong. Behind him, one person behind him was a man in his twenties. Young people of many years.

The man with the mustache acted like a village cadre, and Fang Yi received them in the conference room.

Hello, Lawyer Fang, my surname is Zhao, and I am the director of the village committee of Zhaojiawa. I called you this morning. This is my driver, Xiao Zhao, said the man with a mustache.

Hello, Director Zhao. Are Zhao Yutian's family members here? I just want to know about his family's situation. Fang Yi asked, seeing only people from the village committee and no family members.

There is no one in Yutian's family. After all, he is from our village. Our village committee has studied it and found that something has happened to him now. I will come here on behalf of the village to consult with you about his situation. The man with a mustache said.

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