Lawyer's character

Chapter 65 Slowly try to enjoy this loneliness

I later said, 'When he becomes a rich man, it won't be too late to give it to her,' and he agreed. Does this count? Li Yuee added with a bad premonition.

Do you have evidence? the female judge asked.

Yes, there are QQ chat records. Let me open it for you to see. Li Yuee took out her mobile phone and pulled up the QQ chat records and handed it to the clerk.

Defendant, the plaintiff has now submitted new evidence. You can interrogate the evidence. The female judge handed the mobile phone to Fang Yi, then turned to the plaintiff and said: Please add a copy of the evidence. One copy, if not Submissions will not be used by us as evidence.”

Okay. Li Yuee said.

Fang Yi had seen relevant content when looking through Zhou Hai's chat records before, so he recognized this evidence.

This evidence does not prove that there is a creditor-debt relationship between the plaintiff and the defendant. 'If you become a big money in the future, give it to me and I will take it.' This sentence itself is an assumption. Even if the defendant agrees, it does not mean that It creates a relationship of rights and obligations between the original defendant and the defendant, and it does not constitute a unilateral promise by the defendant. The cross-examination is completed. Fang Yidao.

Both parties make their final statements. After the female judge finished speaking, she looked at the plaintiff.

We have a divorce agreement, and it is very clear on it that the defendant should give me money, that's it! Li Yue'e said confidently.

The defendant makes his final statement. After speaking, the female judge began to pack up the case files.

“The defendant should not pay $50,000 to the plaintiff.

First of all, the defendant believes that the cancellation of debt is a unilateral legal act without cause. It can produce the legal effect of extinguishing the debt according to the creditor's intention. No matter what the reason is for the debt to be exempted, and whether the reason is established or not, it does not affect the effectiveness of the exemption. , so the plaintiff cannot deny the effectiveness of the debt relief on the grounds that the reason for the debt relief has changed at that time.

Secondly, the plaintiff did not attach any conditions or deadlines when exempting the debt, and after the plaintiff made an offer to forgive the debt, the defendant did not refuse.

To sum up, the plaintiff’s cancellation of the defendant’s debt is legal and effective, and the defendant should not pay the plaintiff 50,000 yuan. Ask the court to reject the plaintiff’s claim in accordance with the law.

Statement completed! Fang Yi said.

Okay, the original defendant will print out a copy of the final statement and submit it. The trial of this case is over... After saying that, the female judge had put the case file aside and asked the clerk to call the parties to the next case to come in and prepare. Court session.

After signing the court transcript, Fang Yi walked out of the court and happened to run into the round-faced male judge who had previously heard Zou Kaiyuan's divorce case.

Fang Yi asked if the verdict in Zou Kaiyuan's divorce case had been issued. The round-faced male judge called and confirmed that the verdict had been handed down. Maybe the assistant hadn't had time to notify the parties to collect it.

Fang Yi then followed the round-faced male judge to the court, and the judge's assistant delivered the verdict. After Fang Yi received the judgment, he saw that it was as expected. The court ordered He Zhen to repay Zou Kaiyuan 110,000 yuan. The court considered the remaining 34,000 yuan to be living expenses and did not confirm that it was between husband and wife. debt.

Fang Yi walked out of the court gate, called Zou Kaiyuan, and asked him to come to the court to pick up the verdict. After get off work, Zou Kaiyuan came to the law firm.

Lawyer Fang, I'm sorry, I was at work and couldn't get out when you called. Zou Kaiyuan said with a smile as soon as he entered the conference room.

It doesn't matter, I live not far from here anyway. This is the judgment of the first instance. Please read it. It's pretty much what I expected. The court did not support the 34,000 yuan you transferred to the other party after the marriage. Fang Yi handed the verdict to Zou Kaiyuan and said.

Zou Kaiyuan looked at the verdict and frowned: Lawyer Fang, do you think I can get all my money back if I appeal?

The chance is not high, it can be said to be very slim. I think there is no obvious error in this judgment. Even if you appeal, it is just a procedure, and the chance of rejection is very high. It is better to settle down as soon as possible. Fang Yi said truthfully.

Okay, I'll think about it again. Zou Kaiyuan said and left the law firm with the verdict in hand.

Fang Yi can clearly feel that Zou Kaiyuan is a little unwilling. It's not that he doesn't want to earn legal fees, but that he really can't satisfy Zou Kaiyuan's ideas.

In the evening, he returned to his residence, made a soup noodle, mixed it with Lao Ganma, and ate it hungrily with two cloves of garlic.

After finishing his meal, he wiped his lips, leaned against the bed, lit a cigarette, and stared blankly at the dark night outside the window, feeling lonely as before.

In the past six months, only Li Shuming remained among the friends he had contacted in the past. There were no longer text messages to treat him, no more calls from karaoke, and WeChat gradually stopped ringing.

At first, he was still a little uncomfortable. He always tried to find something to do. If he really had nothing to do, he would pick up the laws and read them one by one. Then he would throw himself into a pile of books or into a glass of white wine and let it go. I have no time to take care of other things.

He is escaping, yes escaping, he dare not face the loneliness of reality.

Slowly, he understood that some things could not be solved by escaping. Loneliness would not be reduced by half because of the anesthesia of alcohol. He slowly tried to enjoy this loneliness.

Reading and listening to music are no longer about escaping, but about living a better life. Now, he has adapted to this kind of life, as if he has quit some kind of addiction.

A song sounded on the phone, which was Be Brave by Zhao Chuan: ...I tried to be brave, but you were not by my side. My strength and confidence were only performed because of my love...I will definitely be braver, even if you Without me, your decision and apology cannot change my tomorrow...

The singing brought Fang Yi back to reality. Fang Yi hurriedly jumped out of bed and grabbed the mobile phone on the table: Hey, daughter-in-law... Xiaohui, what's the matter?

This ringtone was specially set by Fang Yi for his daughter-in-law Cao Xiaohui on the day of the divorce. It has never sounded since the divorce.

It was his wife's divorce that woke him up. He must bravely face reality and bravely bear the responsibilities that a man should bear. This ringtone is a souvenir and a sign of lovesickness.

Cao Xiaohui's voice came from the other end of the phone: When are you going to pay Xiaozhi's alimony this month? I'm not telling you, you, a grown man, are struggling to even pay alimony, and you still need a lawyer!

Here, I'll give it to you when I pick up Xiaozhi over the weekend! I bought a gift for Xiaozhi, and I'll give it to you then. Fang Yi said.

When he came back from the city on Sunday, he wanted to send a laptop to his son, so he called Cao Xiaohui and wanted to see them. However, Cao Xiaohui told him that Xiaozhi was attending a cram school and it was not convenient to meet him. Fang Yi could only give up.

It's been half a year... Even if you have a conscience, you still know how to buy a gift for Xiaozhi. Xiaozhi has been busy with tutoring recently. You can meet him this week, but you can't take him away, Cao Xiaohui said.

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