However, I am only in my twenties now, but it seems that I have entered a reincarnation. Like my father, I only follow those TV series and play those games, and occasionally look for memories of my youth in them.

If you think about it carefully, it's not that new things are not good, or that you don't have time, or that you simply don't want to accept those things anymore, just like what my father used to say every day: "Watch more news, pay attention to real-time, Don’t always watch short videos and watch marketing accounts for brainwashing.”

A few seconds of a video can last until late in the day...

It would be nice to do something meaningful with so much time, that’s what I thought at the time. I kept complaining, but my father always kept silent and continued to live his life.

Now that I think about it, it seems like that’s “life”.

Ha... I have another very funny thing to share. I watched an episode of Pleasant Goat on QQ two days ago. The picture quality and background music of the old version were very comfortable to watch.

It was the episode where the gray wolf led the red wolf to shrink and get into the belly of the lazy sheep. I actually watched it from beginning to end (the episode of Parasite).

And I find it very interesting. The instant gratification brought by watching short videos, and the emptiness after watching beautiful ladies seem to be satisfied all at once.

I suddenly realized that it was not that my father was unwilling to accept new things, but that those new things were a burden to him.

Working hard every day for a family, getting up early and working late at night, busy day and night has exhausted all my energy.

Perhaps only those old things that should have been eliminated by the times can bring him some of the relaxation he once had.

After being exposed to real life and real independence, I gradually understood how my father felt. To be honest, this feeling is very bad, but life must go on after all.

One last thing.

This is a little bit of advice for all the book friends who read this.

That is, if you feel tired, don't force yourself and live hard. In this best era, we have the responsibility to do what we should do, and for most people, just doing what they can do is enough.

Eat well, sleep well, keep a calm mind, and look at this troubled and...beautiful world from your own perspective.

Many people on the Internet like to say that the world is magical now, but I don’t think so. This only shows that the world is still changing, and what remains unchanged is us. If one day we will pass away and stop one day, then I will still hope that the world will become a better place (smile).

Good luck, stranger.

If you see this and today happens to be your birthday, then congratulations and happy birthday to you!

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