I picked up attributes in the Ultra World

Chapter 82 The Ampera star unlocks the blood hanging

Chapter 82 # The Ampera star unlocks the blood hanging #

Dayle found Captain Hyuga and urged him to fire the cannon quickly.

Oki strongly objected:

"No, no, the Pendanim elemental cannon is so powerful that it can destroy a planet."

"Ultraman Seven is still inside the Dark Armor. What if we are killed together in the explosion!"

Dayel said in an uncertain tone: "That's not true...according to our records on Pedan Star, Severn is very durable."

Meles spoke calmly:

"When Planet Pedan invaded the Earth, it was stopped by Ultraman Seven."

"He probably has a grudge and wants to take advantage of the opportunity to take revenge."

Dayir was furious: "Meflasian, stop spitting on others!"

Yuhui didn't know that his "harem was on fire". He was nervously watching the battle between Belia and Dark Armor from a first-person perspective.

After blocking the continuous energy cannon that could paralyze Gomora, Beria counterattacked with a shield and actually knocked the thick dark armor away.


The dark armor flipped several times in the air and fell heavily.

"That's the only way to behave, to fall down in embarrassment in front of me!" Beria laughed.

Damn it, what kind of villain statement is this.

Sunset complained while staring at the Shield of Order in her hand.

In addition to being able to completely prevent attacks and absorb nearby energy, this shield must have other magical properties.

Not only can it disintegrate the ancient black gold bridge, it can even knock away the heavy dark armor.

I have to find time to study it carefully.


The dark armor stood up again and attacked Beria steadily.

Beria rushed forward again with a shield: "I don't believe I can't break your iron shell."

Twenty seconds later, the Shield of Order disappeared.

The Dark Armor once again launched an energy attack with its trident, but Gomora, who was no better than [Thunder], Beria dodged it nimbly.


Dark Armor was knocked down again, but stood up again.

A minute and a half later, Beria's colored timer flashed.

The dark armor in front has been knocked down countless times, but it always stands up every time.

Everyone on the Panlong was shocked. Can't this thing be killed?

Dayer said: "We can't just watch, we must do something."

"If the Pedanium elemental cannon doesn't work, then use a less powerful weapon!"

Captain Hinata nodded: "Okay, Wanlong missile, prepare to launch!"

After saying that, he took out his ZAP card, unlocked the weapon system, and Kumano was responsible for aiming, and then-fire!

An astonishing laser cannon burst out, followed by dozens of Wanlong missiles trailing flames.

The dark armor that was originally charging with a halberd was hit and flew backwards again.

This time, a large piece of its head fell off like a wall.

From this broken crack, you can see a dim eye and a green beam light on the forehead.

That's Ultraman Seven, and he's sealed inside!

Yuhui, who had just been thinking about how to completely destroy the dark armor, became more active when he saw this.

Since outside forces cannot break this armor, then try to break through from the inside!

"Beria, pass the energy to Ultraman Seven!" Yu Hui said.

After saying that, he immediately added all the remaining 41 attribute points to energy.

"Okay!" Beria was also very decisive. Just like he did when he resurrected the original Ultraman last time, he concentrated his energy into a beam and connected it to the beam light on Severn's forehead.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, the dark armor struck at Beria with a halberd, as if to split him in half.


When the trident was about to hit Beria's head, the dark armor suddenly stopped moving, like a solidified sculpture.

Then Ultraman Seven's eyes glowed orange, and the head beam light also glowed green.

The next moment, the dark armor cracked, and countless fragments flew around.

The clouds in the sky dispersed, and the bright sunshine shone on the giant in front.

Ultraman Seven slowly stood up and broke free!

"Beria..." He looked at Ultraman Beria as if he wanted to say something.

But Yuhui immediately took over Beria's body control, and then said:

"Wait! I know you are in a hurry, but don't be impatient. Listen to what I have to say!"

Then, he copied and pasted what he had told the first generation Ultraman again, hoping that Severn would not misunderstand.

On the Panlong, the crew members were ecstatic: "Great, Ultraman Seven is resurrected!"

Dayel touched his chin: "I was really rescued."

The Meflas star [Meles] said abruptly from the side: "It's very disappointing, isn't it."

Dayir glared at him: "Don't sow discord here. What are you doing here? Go back to your spaceship!"

Meles said in a rogue tone:

"My planet is too far away from Planet Hama, so I came here through the natural wormhole [Devil's Footprint]."

"Unfortunately, my spaceship was destroyed on the way. Fortunately, I met a kind person who let me board a spaceship called the King that looked like a bee and rushed over."

"And by staying here, you can better obey orders, right?"

Dayer's face was full of disdain: "You are really good at flattering!"

The quarrel attracted the Panlong's crew to become a crowd.

Captain Hinata thought with his arms crossed. After Yuhui let this Meflas star board the ship, did he intend to use it to check and balance the Pedan star Dayel?

And below, Ultraman Seven suddenly waved his hand after listening to Yuhui's words:

"I have heard [Ultraman] talk about your matters. Thank you for your support."

This is of course the first generation Ultraman.

Afterglow petrified him on the spot for three seconds.

Since you already knew this, why did you interrupt me now?

It's fun for me to stand here and talk for a long time, isn't it just for fun?

At the same time, Beria's color timer became more and more rapid, and Yuhui immediately canceled the transformation.

Beria's figure disappeared, and Yuhui stumbled out.

"So [Ultraman] has contacted you...Then why did you stay in the Dark Armor for so long?"

In other words, "What did the first generation do long ago?"

Severn replied: "Probably because I caused some trouble to the people on the Reblondo planet."

"After me, this planet began to reject the Ultra Warriors, so he has never been able to come."

Yu Hui said: "Well... Then what about me and Beria..."

Yu Hui's expression suddenly froze.

There was no reason for Seven to lie to himself, so... why did he and Beria enter the Hama planet so smoothly?

Is it because he is Leonix that he is eligible to participate?

No, if he really met the conditions, the Thunderbolts would have opened a portal to suck him.

That...is it because I was not in a transformed state at that time?

Or... the remnant souls of the Lebrondo people warmly welcomed his arrival, so they deliberately let him in?

It's scary to think about it.

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