I build nuclear bombs in the giant world

Chapter 83 Pre-selection of Marines

"Are we going to build a ship here?"

Hanji took off his dirty work clothes and sat on the ground.

"It always feels incredible."

"It's just that one year has passed. A year ago we didn't even take back Wall Maria, but now we are thinking about sailing."

"But, can a steel boat really float on water?" Allen asked softly.

"Yes." Ian said: "As long as the buoyancy provided by the water is equal to the weight of the ship, the Marais use ships made of steel. The power problem is solved with giants. We don't have the technology to make it yet. A large engine like the Marais, but we have giants. For this reason, haven't we already found more than a dozen 'special giants' that can only move at night?"

"Are giants used as propeller power?" Hanji turned his head and looked at the giants who were wearing clothes and covered in mud: "Giants, they are really great. They can be used no matter where they are."

Ian said: "Keep working hard. Although we have monitored the movements of the Marais in the port this year, we don't know when they will lose their patience. We must build the ship quickly."

"Yeah. There is no time to rest." Hanji patted the dust on his palms and stood up from the ground with support.

Although the framework of the underground shipyard is completed, the task is far from complete.

Making a ship that can sail long distances is their current goal.

The design drawings and basic concepts of the ship were completed over a period of four months.

I also used my free time to make a small model, and what was left was to turn that model into a steel battleship that could actually sail on the vast sea.

Since November last year, the government's steel mills have been receiving orders one after another and began to produce ship-related parts.

Some parts have been manufactured and transported to the shipyard's warehouse.

They will splice the parts together in the shipbuilding room, separately making the ship's chassis, cabins at different levels, cannons and machine guns used on the ship, etc., and then transport them to the sea for final assembly.

It is expected to build a battleship that can carry at least twenty giants and three hundred crew members, including crew dormitory beds, kitchen equipment, anchors, propellers, and a series of parts ranging from large to small, all of which require them to make and assemble.

This is a huge project. Fortunately, most of Parade Island's resources and manpower are currently devoted to this project. Counting the time of trial and error and experimentation, if everything goes well, their ship will be ready in the summer. It can be driven on the sea.

Within the walls, the royal capital.

The sunshine in early spring is bright, and sparrows stand on the branches, chirping.

Today is Sowing Day, a festival within the walls.

Historia attended the celebration as the princess and walked through the crowded streets with the accompanying team.

Next to some unfinished buildings, standing construction giants were waiting. People were accustomed to this and crowded at the feet of the giants to welcome the arrival of the princess.

Historia stood on the carriage, wearing a crown and gorgeous clothes, smiling and waving to people.

The lively atmosphere lasted until noon, and everyone dispersed when it was time for lunch.

But Historia did not go back to rest. Instead, she went to the soldier training camp in the suburbs with two important government officials, Erwin Smith and Doto Pixis.

They shared a carriage and set off from the royal capital to the training camp base on the grassland.

In the soldier training camp in the royal capital, only the best soldiers can be selected.

Historia is occasionally asked to "visit" the recruits here. Her popularity is really high and she is an "idol" in the minds of many people. A little exposure can boost the morale of the recruits.

But today, she was not here to "visit" the soldiers, but to hold a farewell ceremony for the selected soldiers.

The carriage stopped at the entrance of the training camp. Erwin and Pixis got off the carriage first, with waiting teams standing on both sides. Before getting off the carriage, Historia looked at the mirror she carried with her to ensure image management. After everything was safe, he took dignified and elegant steps and got out of the car.

"Is that your Royal Highness? So beautiful."

In the training camp, Jean Kirchstein opened a corner of the tent curtain and quietly looked at Historia's side face.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, let me take a look too." Connie Springer's shiny bald head squeezed out from under Soldier Jean's arm and glanced at Historia from a distance.

This is the tent for the conscripts. They are all selected soldiers and have signed a confidentiality agreement.

The specifics of where they will go and what kind of mission they will perform have not yet been revealed to them, but they know one thing. It is a very important mission. After all, it seems that the princess will come to see the soldiers off. This seems to be the first time since the establishment of the new government. , only the second time.

By the way, the soldiers who were sent off last time were the team that fought to retake Wall Maria.

However, Jean and Connie are not regular soldiers. They are too young. Although they are honored to be selected into this team, they are just debuting as trainees. The main purpose of this trip is to learn and hone, and start Eye-opening.

They are the same batch of training soldiers who were recruited into the army last June. They were only twelve years old when they were selected, and they are only thirteen years old this year.

When they joined the army, they took a physical fitness test, one of which was a test on swimming skills. Both of them were children who grew up in the village. They loved to run wild and often went to the river to swim and play, so they performed quite well in this test. .

Most of them can feel that they were chosen because they are proficient in water.

After the physical fitness test, they were divided into separate training groups. Except for basic training, all their training was conducted by the water. Even in the cold winter, the instructors ordered them to practice in the freezing water. Many Unable to endure this torture, he applied to withdraw from this special training camp.

However, the two endured it. Although they were younger, they were among the top ten soldiers in the current period, so they were selected to the training camp in the royal capital.

"Hey, you guys, hurry up and stand in line, it's almost the allotted time!"

At this moment, someone came to the tent and directed them to go out to participate in the farewell ceremony.

Jean and Connie immediately stood up straight and saluted: "Yes!"

They came to the grassland with other soldiers as they had rehearsed in advance.

There were two hundred soldiers in total, and the famous Captain Levi stood at the first echelon of the team.

The training soldiers stood in the last row, with no more than ten people in total.

Jean Kirschstein blushed slightly and looked at the short-haired female soldier standing on his right, Mikasa Ackerman. He only learned this name after arriving at the training camp in the royal capital.

Compared with the princess who shines like the sun, he really still likes this one. He thinks that he must try to strike up a conversation if he has the chance.

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