I became the richest man in the world by making meatballs

Chapter 48 Xu Lianhua with a bodhisattva heart

Bai Qianchun's eyes suddenly lit up and she yelled!

"Let's go back to Ziwutong first."

Bai Qianchun raised her oily little mouth, with a cheerful smile on her pretty face, and turned to another street.

In the previous life, Zhenlong City was considered to be an independent world outside of the troubled times. It was also called the "Ancient Martial Arts World" by the outside world. Most of the people living there were ancient warriors, whether it was Aunt Cai who set up a stall selling vegetables or had the unique skill of roasting duck. Uncle Li is a hidden master.

And where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, especially when everyone is powerful and no one wants to succumb to anyone else, the more disputes there will be.

Therefore, there are many conflicts within their ancient martial arts world, and many forces, large and small, are divided into them.

But the most famous ones are Wutong Tower, Bawei Martial Arts Hall and Lin Family Martial Arts Hall.

Bai Qianchun and his team belong to the Wutong Tower. The original Wutong Tower was actually a killer pavilion, and the leader of the pavilion, Wei Xin, was the one who built the killer pavilion.

According to someone who did not want to reveal his name, Wei Xing, the master of the pavilion, is a widow. She was abandoned by a heartless man and her daughter died, so she rebounded from a gentle and beautiful beauty in a white dress to a murderous person. The devil in red.

Her original intention of establishing the Killer Pavilion was to avenge the betrayed man. To this end, she took in many orphans with excellent bones and trained them to become the killers of the Killer Pavilion.

The eldest sister of their team is one of the few accomplished killers, and she is also the number one among the gold medal killers.

The eldest sister's name is Xu Lianhua, codenamed Xue Lian. She is a woman who is particularly dashing when killing people and is very naive in other aspects.

Ever since Pavilion Master Wei Xun succeeded in killing the heartless man and renamed the Killer Pavilion to Wutong Tower, their eldest sister Xu Lianhua seemed to be tired of her career as a killer and became Buddhist-like.

It was at this time that Bai Qianchun was picked up by the eldest sister, and then she picked up the third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh children one after another, becoming a killer team in Wutong Tower.

Of course, the Killer Pavilion, which has changed its name, is not a vegetarian from now on. It still does the job of a killer, but the owner is not so controlling and only allows them to compete within themselves.

For this purpose, they were divided into seven teams, namely red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, red Wutong, orange Wutong, and yellow Wutong.

Ranking at the bottom is their team, Ziwutong.

Of course, this is not because their team is weak or their business ability is not strong, but because their eldest sister has changed her mentality and changed from a murderous killer to a compassionate bodhisattva. They still accepted the mission, but after accepting the anonymous mission, they will Try your best to investigate whether the poster is a good person, and whether the person who paid the murder deserved his death.

If the publisher is a good person and the person waiting to be ripped off is a bad guy, then fortunately, they can complete the deal perfectly.

But if it's the opposite, then it's over. There is a 100% chance that the task will not be completed, and liquidated damages will have to be paid.

This is how the purple phoenix tree at the bottom came to be.

Also, influenced by their "Bodhisattva-hearted" eldest sister, other people in the team have also grown up.

Usually, if they meet the old, weak, sick or disabled when they go out to collect information or during missions, they will generously donate their money and be willing to help anyone who needs help. It is really a breath of fresh air in the Killer Pavilion, a white lotus in the mire, rising out of the mud. Bu Ran, just one last step to call the charity hall is the Purple Indus Tree.

Naturally, their strange killer team has become the last one in the Wutong Building all year round. They live in the most remote and humble Ziwutong Building in the Wutong Building.

Bai Qianchun grew up in a laboratory. In fact, she doesn't have much kindness or conscience. It's just that the eldest sister who picked her up has good intentions, and her team mates who are regarded as her family are also good people, so she also Then came the human touch.

Although I was annoyed that my eldest sister and her friends were spending money so lavishly, just like a team of boys who scattered money, they were still willing to make the team's logistics purse, work frugally, and sell medicine and cure diseases in exchange for money to support these kind-hearted "Bodhisattva" We can help more people.

This is also the reason why Bai Qianchun is stingy and likes to save money.

Don’t be afraid of having too much money, be afraid of having too little money when you use it!

By the time the three of them woke up from their memories while eating roast duck, they had arrived at the most familiar Ziwutong Building, a place that their team called "home".

"Hiccup~~" Ye Yang burped loudly, threw the last duck bone he had eaten into the trash can in the corner, rubbed his stomach and looked at Bai Qianchun eagerly, "Sister Chun , I can’t hold myself up, why don’t we go to your pharmacy first?”

Bai Qianchun glanced at him with a half-smile, which made Ye Yang's face turn red. When she felt a little guilty, she slowly looked away, "It's okay, I miss my pharmacy too."

The most important thing is that a few days before the nuclear bomb happened, she had a deal with an old customer and made a lot of useful pills for stock. For example, the most common Qi-Building Pills, Blood-Building Pills, Jianweixiaoshi Pills, etc. were all available in ten bottles. Bottle preparation.

And for the safety of her friends, she keeps three or four bottles of vitality pills prepared all year round.

The eldest sister and the others took away two bottles when they went on a mission, and there should be two bottles left in the pharmacy.

There are ten vitality pills in each porcelain bottle. If converted to 50 million star coins each, this is two billion star coins.

Bai Qianchun's heart was burning, and she couldn't help but speed up her steps towards the pharmacy on the second floor.

Ye Yang also laughed and shouted, "Jianweixiaoshi Pills, here I come."


The door of the pharmacy opened, and the familiar scent of medicine did not hit my face. Instead, I was greeted by the silence of the room and scattered medicine cabinets on the floor.

All the medicine cabinets on the entire wall where she used to store medicinal materials had been pulled out, and the drawers that originally stored dried medicinal materials were now empty, as if someone had ransacked the house.

The smile on Bai Qianchun's lips suddenly froze, and fire began to accumulate in her eyes.

Ye Yang and Leng Xiao, who followed behind, were also dumbfounded.

"Here, is this a thief?" Ye Yang's eyes widened, and he pointed at the medicine cabinet inside with trembling fingers, full of surprise, "Who is so bold and dares to rob our Ziwutong medicine cabinet? He is Don’t you think you’ve lived too long?”

What he said is not an exaggeration at all. You must know that in the ancient martial arts world, the name of their Chunjie ancient doctor is well-known, and it is also very appealing. Many masters in the ancient martial arts world are willing to give her a face.

After all, no one can mess with doctors. We are all martial arts practitioners, and illness and injury are inevitable, so doctors are needed even more.

And Bai Qianchun happens to be the top of the pyramid among doctors, able to save lives even if they hang by a thread, which is equivalent to having a second life.

Therefore, even though Ziwutong has been paying liquidated damages all year round and has extremely poor task completion, it still has not been kicked out by the landlord. It relies on Gu Yi, and everyone knows that Gu Yi's back is her pharmacy.

Anyone who dares to set up a pharmacy must consider whether he can withstand the pursuit of all the masters in the ancient martial arts world. No matter how far you run to the ends of the earth, you will not be able to escape the deadly pursuit order issued by the ancient doctor.

That's why Ye Yang said that the thief thought his life was too long.

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