Game company goes bankrupt? I backhand cyberpunk!

Chapter 67 Lin Yuan’s decision, Nanxing’s new direction (please order first!)

Attention, team leaders of all departments! Except for those who have work at hand and those who are idle, all of them are coming to the conference room on the seventh floor for a meeting! Lin Ce has something important to say!

In the afternoon, Nanxing, which was originally quiet, seemed to have been suddenly thrown a stone. The whole company became lively. Employees on the sixth and seventh floors all brought their notebooks and crowded into the small conference room.

Feng Shuyun and Lin Yuan sat together and looked at the crowded employees standing for a meeting. She touched her chin and made a new decision.

Hmm. It seems that the company still needs to continue to expand!

After all, there is still a company under Nanxing, and Qingchan Animation has a lot of people there, including about thirty people.

If Fang Qingchan brings people here, and there is not even a place for people to hold meetings in Nanxing, it will be too abstract.

Are you taking someone to a coffee shop?

Oh, that can't be done.

Feng Shuyun cares about face very much. In front of her good sister Fang Qingchan, she has to put on a show of strength to show off her dignity in front of others!

We are asking everyone to come to the meeting this time because we are now preparing to implement a new project. Lin Yuan stood up from his seat, stretched out his fingers and said seriously to Li Lin and others.

2077 is not a game that can be produced overnight, but for Nanxing, it is not difficult to make money to support a game project, even if it is 2077.

Because there are really too many games that Lin Yuan has on hand, and if he wants to make money, then Lin Yuan has too many game projects that can make money.

For example, some WeChat mini program games are made using a template.

Can you believe that a small program game with exactly the same gameplay and nothing new just because of the beautiful character paintings can make more than a million in revenue in a month?

The gameplay is all lottery cards, idle Q version, or small program games with some novel changes. A game of this quality can earn millions or even tens of millions of turnover in a month.

As for such games, if Lin Yuan wanted to, he could come up with ten of them at once.

With the current manpower of Nanxing, if Lin Yuan leads the team, he can make several models in a week, but the problem is, Lin Yuan will not do that.

Because it ruins the company's reputation too much. It's like cutting users off. When the user wakes up, he finds that he has been playing for a year and a half and was deceived into recharging tens of thousands of krypton. In the end, the game does not maintain its value. If so, what will users think?

If it was Lin Yuan in the past, he might have just done it, just like when he was making junk games like Digging for Advancement, Lin Yuan at that time was a deviant and disgusting player in order to make money.

But now Lin Yuan, after playing games for a year, has the ethics of a gamer.

Games are not just for taking money out of players’ pockets. When you make money, you must also make players happy and satisfied.

It is not advisable to grossly disgust players.

Only by making games seriously and making them fun can there be a real connection between game producers and players.

Therefore, Lin Yuan would not make such junk money.

What's more, the only way Lin Yuan can make money is through games.

After all, there are still two projects that can make money, music and animation.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan then said: The new project has been determined, but due to technical reasons, I will only choose some people in the company to follow up on the new project. The name of the project is 2077. No matter how specific it is, Li Lin and I will tell everyone about the situation after the agreement is signed.

In the crowd, Li Lin nodded and said in a deep voice: Everyone, there are a lot of things to learn about the new project. After understanding it, I deeply discovered my shortcomings. This will be a big problem for Nanxing and us. It’s a huge challenge, but I believe that as long as we work together and work together, we will be able to overcome the difficulties and create a perfect game!”

Then, I will call the name now. The team leader whose name is called, please stand next to Li Lin. Lin Yuan said.

Xu Xiao, Sheng Yang, Jiang Long, Teng Yuan, Bao Zhong, Chang Cheng

Lin Yuan called the names one by one, and the team leaders who were called looked happy, especially Xu Xiao. He was previously assigned to the maintenance department and was responsible for managing a game. Although he was promoted, Xu Xiao was still more willing. challenge yourself.

After all, he had just graduated, and he had a rush of motivation that old programmers didn't have. At the same time, it was also the strength that Nanxing needed most.

Therefore, Xu Xiao raised his hands and smiled loudly to the team leader behind him who was not named: Chengyi, Chengyi, everyone.

Lin Yuan was amused by Xu Xiao. Now he saw that what Feng Shuyun said was indeed right.

The best thing about Nanxing now is that there is such a group of employees with ideals and motivation. Feng Shuyun treats them with sincerity, and they return the favor with sincerity.

They may not have the knowledge and ability of seasoned programmers, but they have something that veteran programmers don’t have, which is enthusiasm and drive for work. In the domestic gaming environment, it’s hard to find real talent among big manufacturers. Gamers, their love for games has been defeated by life and capital. In them, you can see the hair loss due to stress and the laziness caused by the fatigue of life, but you can't see the energy and vitality.

People who have been out in society for many years will not smell like an ivory tower.

Then, the person whose name is called will select three employees from the team to join the new project. They will sign the contract in the afternoon and the work will officially start tomorrow.

Uh, um, Lin Ce, what about me?

Lin Ce, was I not chosen?

In the crowd, Luoyang stretched out his hand dumbly and asked loudly.

Lin Yuan looked at Luoyang and smiled when he saw his frustrated face and disappointment that he was not selected.

You have a new project. I have a game that I need you to take the lead in producing.

Lin Yuan said to Luoyang.

In order to make 2077 officially operational, Lin Yuan plans to buy a lot of games, because all the emotional value is used to buy 2077, so the next games to be released by Nanxing will be small games, but they will be very playable.

After saving some emotional value, the first thing Lin Yuan planned to buy was

Well, fighting games.

Fighting games are a desert in China. Whether in the past or now, domestic game manufacturers are not very enthusiastic about fighting games, because fighting games are niche, and in the perception of many domestic groups, fighting games are equivalent to fighting arcade games. , and now that the arcades are gone, fighting games have naturally become a desert.

But in fact, there are many powerful IPs in fighting games. Let’s not talk about Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros., but let’s talk about the well-known Street Fighter and King of Fighters. These two games are very popular games in the fighting game circle, and as Series of games. Lin Yuan’s emotional value for purchasing one of them only costs tens of thousands.

Therefore, how about grabbing a wave of regular users first?

Although the circle of fighting games is not large, the audience is stable, and most of the adults who play fighting games are not averse to paying. For 97 and Street Fighter 3, it is not excessive to sell them for tens of dollars, right?

Luoyang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that he had not been forgotten.

Although I'm a little bit disappointed that I didn't make it into the inner circle, I just have a mission.

He thinks he is the fourth in command of Nanxing!

As for this guy Xu Xiao?

Haha, Xu Xiao can’t compare with me!

But Xu Xiao happened to think so.

Then now, those whose names are called stay, and the rest can go out first.

After Lin Yuan finished speaking, Luoyang took the lead and walked out, and thoughtfully closed the door of the conference room.

Facing the crowd of curious employees, Luoyang shook his finger and said, I can't say that this project is very important.

This made these guys even more curious.

In the conference room, Lin Yuan smiled slightly and said:

Now, everyone, let's sign the contract.

On the side, Feng Shuyun took out a stack of printed papers and spread them on the table.

Sign it. In the next three years, you will not be able to leave Nanxing due to work matters.

Lin Yuan said seriously.

Xu Xiao signed it without saying anything.

Just kidding?

Who wants to leave Nanxing?

For Xu Xiao, even if the company wants to drive him away, he must find a way to stay, okay?

The rest of the people were a little speechless.

Damn, it's too late, let this boy Xu Xiao show off.

Damn it, if I had known I would have stood in front.

Xu Xiao, this Japanese dog

Lin Yuan heard the discussion and felt funny.

Touching his nose and looking at Feng Shuyun who was also smiling, Lin Yuan felt full of motivation.

Since we said that this year we will shock the gaming industry, and this year, the gaming industry will be called the Year of the Southern Star, then we must do it.

The new direction of Nanxing has been determined.

Now, let's get started!

Lin Yuan waved his hand and said loudly.

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